About Us
Pam and Lisa believe everyone has the capacity to create a life they love. They have both been on a life journey of intentional learning and action toward creating a life they each increasingly love. It is their inspiration to bring their combined expereince, insight and knowledge to their clients. Their coaching programs provide a highly effective and efficient method to help people in the direction of having a life they love.
Pam and Lisa both have coach training through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching, are Certified Professional Retirement Coaches, and are accredited coaches with the International Coach Federation (ICF). Also, they both are Certified Chopra Meditation Teachers.
As certified coaches and group facilitators, They create engaging learning experiences that are a blend of one-on-one and group coaching. These programs provide individualized support in a safe, supportive environment where clients in transition find a place to be truly seen, heard, and unconditionally accepted for themselves. The group is a place to give voice to and practice honoring self – often a first place of unveiling a desire, truth or letting go. We are not alone on our change journeys and the groups are a magical place to connect and really come to experience this in the purest, most heart-connected way.
Clients who have invested themselves in this coaching format note that they have improved resiliency, connection with others, ease, flow, clarity, joy, self-trust, and overall sense of well-being on their journey toward creating the shifts they want to make in life. They also note experiencing reduced stress, analysis paralysis, need to control, confusion and loneliness.

Our Coaching Philosophy
Each of us can access and utilize great wisdom about who we really are and be our most authentic self when we access what resides in our heart, spirit and mind. Kindness, caring and laughter are essential to learning and loving our lives. We make a positive difference in the world through our coaching and role modeling the way by living a LIFE WE LOVE.
The Client Experience
Our clients build a capacity to be reliant on themselves to continue to grow and create a life they love after coaching has ended. They create focused and effective action that supports them to move in the direction of their desires. During their coaching expereince, they gain momentum to get sustained results by addressing what is slowing or stopping them from making their desired progress. Together we work to set them up for success with personally aligned, achievable goals. Long term they expereince handling all aspects of life with more ease - fully connecting to the creativity, aliveness, and joy of living consciously.
Clients who expereince most success are interested in living life by their own measure of success. They want to learn about, grow into, and express more of who they are and are willing to take action to stretch themselves toward actualizing their vision.
What is Group Coaching?
A coach facilitated group of maximum 8 participants who gather on a regular basis (usually two hours a week for 12 weeks). It is a blend of learning, community conversation related to the learning, identification of how the learning applies to their life and taking action. The coaches provide an emotionally safe environment, structure, and curriculum that supports participants to gain knowledge (internal and external), connect with and learn from each other, personal learning, and inspiration toward action. It is all designed toward helping each client make their personal change a success during and beyond conclusion of the program. Ultimately, each participant is encouraged to bring more heart and spirit into to their daily life—their experience is one of deep personal growth, a newfound sense of peace, and enjoyment on the change journey.
What are the benefits of Group Coaching?
Clients’ growth is multiplied - One of the wonderful things about offering group coaching sessions is that your clients don’t just learn from coach, they also learn from each other. Listening to one another’s experiences and sharing your perspective helps clients experience breakthroughs more quickly. This happens because they’re witnessing firsthand how others are applying the transformational principles the coach teaches to their lives – and this accelerates the rate at which they will overcome their own challenges and move toward their goals and dreams!
Clients have greater camaraderie - In group coaching sessions, clients often find that even despite vastly different life experiences, they share many of the same patterns, paradigms, fears and blocks – as well as comparable passion about their goals and dreams! Clients immediately drop the feeling of being alone on their journey as they work through transforming these areas of their life, they have much more camaraderie with another.
Clients have greater commitment to action - There is also greater accountability in group coaching sessions, and clients often discover and cultivate amazing bonds with other clients and end up forming accountability partnerships. It only takes one person in the group to take a baby step action to inspire others to do the same and the energy, confidence, and actions grow from there. Having “partners in believing,” to feel supported and gaining confidence in taking action is one of the most important keys to long-term growth and success! You will feel more joy and ease in the process as you see your group colleagues connect, inspire, and kindly support each other.
Clients gain foundational knowledge through a guided curriculum on successful transitions - It is an affordable way (less expensive than one-on-one coaching) to get guidance from a coach and implement tools and strategies that can help you reach your goals and have a framework to self-manage through future changes. Overall, it offers better value than individualized coaching when the client sets out to fix a specific transition or desired change they are already aware of.
Meet The Team
Pamela Jones Anderson
Meet Pam...
Today, I LOVE MY LIFE. Looking back, I can honestly say that I had a good life that I was proud of and liked a lot. A meaningful and challenging career, a long-lasting healthy marriage, a wonderful daughter and great relationships with friends and family. But at the age of fifty-five, I was shocked to experience a heart attack and open-heart surgery. This very experience stopped me in my tracks and became an invitation to ask what living a more deeply connected, self-honoring life might look like. Since then, I have transformed so many aspects of my life to become even better, from a heart-centered place, and I now know how to help you do this too.
My training and experience in leading and making organizational change, a passion for learning what I needed to know and do to create a LIFE I LOVE and finding amazing support through the coaching world and friends, all came together to help me navigate to a place in life for which I am most grateful. It is not perfect, it is organic, and ongoing. Life’s challenges continue to come my way, but I now face and navigate them with energy, ease, peace, clarity, love, and authenticity. I’ve embraced self-care (physical, emotional and spiritual) in so many ways and let go of self-criticism, over-responsibility, worry and many fears.
Owning that I am, as we all are, a unique expression of life, I am passionately bringing this group coaching experience to help those who aspire to a similar life creation journey from the inside out. Imagine a world of people who have a LIFE THEY LOVE –people that feel meaningful, joyful, and connected with who they really are on the inside, not just ones that look good on the outside.
Lisa Mueller
Meet Lisa...
There was a time in my life when I noticed myself repeatedly asking “How did I get here again?”. I was repeating and living my old stories over and over again. At first, I did not see my responsibility for the reappearance of these lessons. After the unexpected loss of my mother 10 years ago, there was a shift. I felt adrift - unsure about my future and my purpose in life. I was not happy with my career as a software engineer, and I was unclear about what made me happy. I was overthinking everything - which caused my life to be stymied. I felt alone and unsupported. The good news is that I became so uncomfortable that I decided to choose to do something about it - to try something different this time.
I decided to approach this old pattern from a new perspective. So, I turned to various spiritual teachings and mentors. Once I opened up to all the possibilities of the Universe and non-physical world, I began to have hope. This was the turning point for me. Over time I began a connection with my Spirit by shifting my mindset and committing to intentional daily practices.
For many years I knew there was more to life than what I was experiencing. After dedicating myself to daily spiritual practices and opening my mind to the beauty and possibilities of the Universe, I am now living the peaceful and happy life I always desired. I am a Spiritual mentor/ life coach, a Reiki master, and Astrologer. There is SO much more joy and purpose! I LOVE MY LIFE!
Today I honor my passion and purpose in life by guiding others toward living a LIFE THEY LOVE - full of lasting peace, joy, and fulfillment. Now I want to guide you through this same connection and transformation.